We finally made it down to the lake and were able to take a look at our property! Our property on the lake is located at The Ridge. It is a gated community with about twenty waterfront lots. There will not be twenty homes because some people have bought multiple lots to build their homes. Our lot is on the point with what is called a gentle slope... we will be able to walk out to the boathouse. Some homes are built high up on their property with a great view BUT have lots of steps down to the water. Our friends have 99 steps down to their boathouse! Others may have less steps to their boathouse, but you should see their driveways! Even though we are not high on the ridge, we still have a fantastic view and wouldn't trade places with any of the other lots.

H was able to point out the stakes on both sides to show me the property lines, but truthfully I’m still having trouble getting the big “picture”. As I mentioned, we are on a point and have a continuous view but until we stake it out, take out a few trees or have it framed...I'm clueless as to what I'm looking at!
Here is a view from the water. See all the trees? That's where the house will
be! Now I ask you, can you tell anything yet? That's what I thought.
*The boat house in the photo belongs to the neighbor the other side. (All the green "in the water in front of our property will be cleared when the sea wall and boat dock are built).
Ah, I can imagine the view from my louge chair right now. Can't wait to come scope out the place!! Miss you like crazy!