That's what we are hearing these days. No specific date, just one fine day. . .in May. . .we hope. Sound familiar to any of you that have built a house?
Last week, the builder said that the move in date may be moved back a week later than the last date he "kinda" gave us. This week, things have come together a little better and maybe we are back to the originial date. . .Who knows?
All I know is the last time we went to the house, the appliances had been delivered, the painters were busy at work putting a final coat on the inside of the house after the floors had been stained, the heat and air conditioning men were checking things out and installing thermostats, security guys making sure we have all the alarms we need, Terry, still hard at work doing all the wonderful trim work (inside and out), and the propane tank was delivered and put into the rather large hole dug at the side of my house. The gutters have been added to the roof of the house and steps going down the side of the house from the screened room are being constructed.
The plumber finally made it back on the scene and began installing toliets in all the bathrooms, faucets for all the sinks, hooking up the disposal, dishwasher, washer and dryer and getting fresh water down to the boat house. With the price of gas these days and all of our subs coming out of the Birmingham area, it is hard to get these guys here unless they have a full day of work. I hate that the granite guys have to come back from Tuscaloosa to drill more holes for faucets. Its about a 2 hour drive from their place.
H went to the house on Tuesday just to see what was going on and as he is getting ready to leave, the door bell rings! (Did I mention we have electricity?) It was the guy ready to install the gas logs for both fireplaces. We are not sure what he would have done if H had not been there. The doors all have locks now and only the builders and we have a key. So H stayed and watched him as he also had to wait out the rain storm since he forgot and parked at the top of the hill instead of coming down the driveway.
NOTE: The driveway, as I showed you in an earlier post, is a steeper than I had thought it was going to be, but I am glad to say I have been able to walk up and down it in flip flops without any trouble since the day it was poured. I am hardly winded when I reach the top now :) The first time to drive it was more scarier, but now, it's a piece of cake. . . once you get your nose pointed in the right direction. Driving up, not a problem anymore. But I must go on record and say, only one of us has done this.
I took Wednesday off to have a girls day out with Jane and my new Verbena friends. We went to a historic B&B located in old town Prattville (just this side of Montgomery) for Tea! It was wonderful and afterwards we poked our heads into several little shops that reminded me a lot like Middleburg. H and Ralph went to Birmingham that day where they were treated as VIP's at the Shoal Creek Country Club for the Regions Tradition Pro/Am . There they saw many celebs and pro golfers alike. The Mason's daughter works for Merrill Lynch who offered the tickets to the boys. So both H and I had a little "get away" time and treated ourselves to "one fine day!"
Today is Thursaday and they are buffing and putting the final coat on the hardwood floors. We will not be able to get in until Sunday.
Work yet to be done at the house is. . . carpets installed, the rest of the appliances installed, the rest of the fans outside on the terrace installed, the screens installed on the porch, more paint touch up and there is some re-do work on the mantle in the great roomand and that's not to mention all the landscaping that has been scheduled! Due to a day of tornadoes and several other days of rain, the landscaper is a little behind schedule.
ANOTHER NOTE: Thank you to all of you who called or emailed to check on us after the terrible tornadoes that went through our new home state. We were luckier that some fellow Alabamians. The last tornado of the day came right through this little tow of Clanton and headed staight to the lake. The good news is this one did NOT touch ground. The weather people are saying this "perfect storm" should not happen again in our lifetime. Another bit of good news is they are saying the strong winds and rain did NOT harm this year's peach crop!
With all of this going on, H is going crazy calling and setting up our move in dates, move out dates, boat delivery dates, new phone service installation ( yes, that too will change again), TV and internet service installation dates, propane delivery, new furniture delivery dates, and storage from Virginia delivery dates. It's all a bit overwhelming because we haven't been given a clear cut date ourselves. So what do we tell these people? (H's frustrations vallidates once again the need for separtate work spaces.)
Meanwhile, J is packing boxes. Enough said!
Hopefully, my next post will have photos of all these projects finished! I know for sure there will be a picture of Baby Boat in his new boathouse on Lake Mitchell. Thank you, Frankie!
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