Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Splish, Splash . . .

       It's official. . .Tuesday, May 10, 2011 "Baby Boat" came to her new home on Lake Mitchell!
       Before I go any futher, I need to tell y'all that "Baby Boat" is not the official name of our boat.  That name came about because of her size next to the boats of family and friends that we were with at the time we bought her. Below is a photo of our boat rafted up with all the other boats last Labor Day.  Now can you see how easy it was to just start calling her Baby Boat? We are not sure if or when she will officially be named, but I wanted to share with you why I call her that. With that being said, and with the photo below. . . we were told today, that she is the biggest boat on Lake Mitchell! Go figure! We don't know that to be a fact but just goes to show you how all things are relative. All I can say is she is big enough for us and we look forward to going out in her as often as possible and enjoying every minute of it. Can you find Baby Boat in the picture below?

We were so lucky to have found this boat, in this condition, at this price, and at the time we were starting to look for a boat. We also count  ourselves lucky to have had family and friends, that were much more knowledgeable about boats than we were, to be with us at the time this happened. Then as a plus, we had Brian, the salesman at the marina who sold us the boat. He has looked after it for us while it was in storage and  today drove the boat  (about 3 1/2  hours drive) from Chattanooga and literally put it in the water for us! I thought H was excited when we bought the boat back in September, but today, waiting for her to get here I though he would pop his buttons! It was a long waited for day and I even wore my SeaRay shirt for the occasion!
      Below is the launch at The Ridge that is  used mainly by those of us who live here.   There is a public launch nearby. . .  but this one is just down/up the street from our home.

Next is a series of photos  taken while putting the boat in the water as if you couldn't tell . . .but you know me, gotta document it!

And splish, splash she's in!

     Now turn left (towards the dock) and head for your new boat house! H and Brian made it to the boat house by water quicker than I could drive back there and by the time I made it back to the boathouse, all the "guys" were gathered 'round her.  Actually, these are the guys who built the boat house and they were waiting to put it up her on the lift to see if it worked. And it did! Several more of our friends dropped by to welcome her home.

       After "the viewing", H  had a  "briefing" with Brian to go over again things he needed to know about the boat and then it was time to take her for a ride! Now, I'm not one who likes to "go fast" in a boat, but I must admit it was really a fun ride.  We took Brian over to the dam (the water is over 100 feet deep there)  and showed him a "small section" of our 150 mile shoreline on Lake Mitchell. The lake is about 14 miles long  with an average depth of 29 feet.  We then headed back to The Ridge.
       When the boat tour was over, Brian  asked for a tour of  the house. And of course, we said yeah!
The generator went in today, the painters are still busy at work, and the landscaper was preping the site for drainage and the installation of the watering system.   Bedroom carpets were installed yesterday with the rest will be completed on Friday. When we left today all the lower level bedrooms and bathrooms had been cleaned and were ready  for the furniture. Could we be getting closer to move in day? We are starting to bring things to the house now, because frankly, we have no place to put them here in this rental. Saturday, we will pick up the iron bed and leather chairs we purchased earlier this year. Our neighbor has offered his trailer and his help to get them to the lake. . . .and afterwards. . . let's see how can we repay them? I know, how about a boat ride?

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